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Option to search by mod in any search bar

Posted: Fri Jul 09, 2021 8:06 am
by NTaya
Add the ability to search by item's/technology's parent mod name.
Minecraft's NEI/TMI has the ability to filter by mod with @modname. For example, if I want to find every item belonging to RFTools, I can simply type "@RFTools" in the search bar. I found myself wishing for the same functionality in Factorio's search bars multiple times.
Some use cases (from times I found myself wishing for this functionality):
1. Check if you've unlocked all the technology belonging to the mod X.
2. Find a technology you forgot the name of, but which you are sure belongs to the mod Y.
2. With a large modpack, filter to highlight items from the mod Z in your inventory instead of finding each item individually.
3. (this one is more for the modmakers, but still) Filter FNEI by mods.