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More logistic robots info

Posted: Sun Jul 28, 2013 10:33 pm
by FrozenOne
When playing today, i was missing 2 small things when using logistic robots:
-in onmouseover info they should show what they carry
-when putting items into players inventory, perhaps the traditional floating text should show what they brought
(well, on the other hand, if someone uses 1000 robots to supply him with everything all the time this could clutter the maybe not)

Re: More logistic robots info

Posted: Mon Jul 29, 2013 1:19 pm
by ssilk
Perhaps so: Everything which comes in during 1 second is added and then displayed. So you have time to read it. Would also be nice for chests...

But if I understand it right, the logistic robots will be added an limiting element, they must be charged to fly. So I think 1000 logistic bots will need so much power, that it can't be handled.

Ah! Btw: It would be good to stop the robots in some way! Because they need energy! So when you are low on energy you can say "LR fly home" and they stop and fly to a base and wait until you revive them.
Eventually this can be coupled with a automatic detection of "low on energy".

Re: More logistic robots info

Posted: Wed Feb 10, 2016 3:59 pm
by ssilk
This was implemented in v0.11 and v0.12