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Custom Blueprint Absolute Reference Point Anchor

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 5:59 pm
by rain9441
I am attempting to create blueprints that are aligned to the global grid. While doing so, I have two separate systems that I want to have a global grid alignment system for. One is for trains, the other is for belts.

I'd like to use blueprints that are similar sized, but whose anchor offset differ. For example, I'd like the rails anchor to be at 0,0 and have a grid size of 28. I'd like the belts anchor to be at 7,7 and have a grid size of 14. The image here shows how these systems might overlap.
DoubleGrid.png (3.1 KiB) Viewed 1424 times
The problem is that all blueprint books that use Absolute Reference Point have a grid that starts out at 0,0, and therefor it is difficult to attain the results in the picture above unless we can set the Absolute Reference Point anchor at something other than 0,0.

There is one work around where we set the Absolute Reference Point of all of the blueprints to be offset like below, but this creates a very poor user experience and does not work very well.
offset-belts.png (175.95 KiB) Viewed 1424 times

Re: Custom Blueprint Absolute Reference Point Anchor

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 6:39 pm
by boskid
This is already implemented and will be released with 1.1.0, including ability to specify odd shift with rails when odd absolute shift is given.

Re: Custom Blueprint Absolute Reference Point Anchor

Posted: Sun Sep 06, 2020 7:03 pm
by rain9441
You are all gods.