Why is my decider not working?

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Why is my decider not working?

Post by Spaghettificator »

Hello fellow engineers.
I'm trying to make a smart station for a really far away outpost to deliver building supplies.
I'm not a complete noob with logic in this game relating to simple systems, but i can't figure out why is this particular situation not working.
So i'm trying to make a decider in the example show in the image here output a signal of type 1 unit if the sum of both chests are 3.
I have 2 pipes in the first chest and 1 spliter on the other chest. Both are connected with a red wire, and one is connected with also a red wire in the decider.
The decider thus is receiving a 2 pipe signal and a 1 spliter signal, resulting in 3 signals.
Here is the problem, i made the condition if "everything" equals 3, emit a 0 signal, but its not working, the decider is not emitting the signal. And i can't figure out why.
Can't i have a sum of multiple chests to work with one decider?
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Re: Why is my decider not working?

Post by Loewchen »

Everything is true when all existing signals individually meet the condition. In your case none of the signals meet the condition so it is not true.

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Re: Why is my decider not working?

Post by DaveMcW »

You need an arithmetic combinator to convert between different signals.

Each + 0 -> Signal A

This adds up all signals (pipe and splitter) and stores them in signal A. Then you can use signal A in the decider combinator.

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Re: Why is my decider not working?

Post by Spaghettificator »

Ahh, ok. I did not realized what it said on the asterisk description. Just assumed Everything means all signals and their values.
Thank you for the explanation.

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