Question about pipe mechanics

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Question about pipe mechanics

Post by Rylant »

So, I have been ramping up my production, and I am in transition from a base to a mega base. One thing I seem to struggle with, is pipe mechanics. For instance, trying to get a large scale oil processing plant, I notice one of the things that tends to slow me down, is that several refineries, especially the ones in the middle of the loop, take a lot of time between cycles. It appears, that clearing their pipes, of petroleum mostly, takes some time, which slows them down. I have lots of room in my tanks for the petroleum, it just takes time to clear the pipe. I notice the same type of thing when I try to set up a large plastic production; the thing that slows me down, is getting petroleum to those plants efficiently.

So am I doing something wrong here? Is there a more effective way to do this? How do you deal with that kind of thing on a large scale?


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Re: Question about pipe mechanics

Post by Loewchen »

It's a simplified fluid mechanic simulation, so if one pipe has not the throughput you need, you can either place pumps in between or a parallel pipeline. Additionally you should use underground pipes when ever possible, skipped tiles have no pressure loss.

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