one of them is `show_map_view_options`
It basically allows you to disable this little block (the one in the map-view opened)
THESE buttons can be then "controlled" by map-view-settings.
According to this link ... ewSettings
We have a concept ref:
Code: Select all
What is shown in the map view. If a field is not given, that setting will not be changed.
Table with the following fields:
show-logistic-network :: boolean (optional)
show-electric-network :: boolean (optional)
show-turret-range :: boolean (optional)
show-pollution :: boolean (optional)
show-train-station-names :: boolean (optional)
show-player-names :: boolean (optional)
show-networkless-logistic-members :: boolean (optional)
show-non-standard-map-info :: boolean (optional)
You can pass them to the player-based endpoint
( ... w_settings)
which will happily toggle them for you.
They cover the "first row" of buttons completely.
But the next row seems to have lua-tools missing?
The other problem is that the player can just "overwrite-flip them back" even "by accident".
While being cool, I see no permission to forbid them to do so. (pls guide me if I am wrong) ((I *just* want the names overlay on the map be disabled "reliably"))
The only way out seems to be to disable the vanilla gui for those map-view-settings then...
But while going onto this path, what about the second row? I've tried.. and could not play around it, sorry.
I want to propose adding the rest of the options to map-view-settings, (a second row of buttons) namely:
- Tags (aka map markers)
- Worker drones
- Rail signals
- Recipes map overlay
I *may* be confusing something. Please correct me in case they are already in place.
If I just missed them up, sorry then. If there is a better way, pls name it as well, for, I am curious.
From my point it seems likely for map-view-settings to reflect the older gui menu prior to some of these buttons having been added though.
I also request an update to clarify last 2 options for map-view-settings in docs if possible.