Sprite resolution and shadow(s)

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Sprite resolution and shadow(s)

Post by Mr.YaR »


• Can anyone enlight my mind about shadow creation??

Done some animated cameras, done animated light, done tracks animation (it's sorta tank), done the turret - all that went into some spritesheets.

Configured all that in .lua - works OK.

But the shadows.... catched the shadows - different ways and it's always weird in one way or another.

1-The sprite is rendered in 512 frames(half is animation).

1.1-Now if the shadow is rendered the same way rotates strangely and flips... total sht.

2-So the shadow is rendered in 256 frames and it seems fine but is maybe twice faster than the model rotation.
The number of 'directions' is the same as the model
Didn't manage to make it slow down in .lua.

How can one slow down the rotation of a shadow ??

• Used the 4096x4096 sprite resolution but heard that 'normal' texture settings wont support more than 2048 - is there a way to include lower resolution without having to do a second unit?

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