[0.16.42] Roboport stops working

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[0.16.42] Roboport stops working

Post by AnthonyForPOTUS »

Personal Roboport 2 (probably also effects roboport 1) stops reacting to deconstruction flags. Robots simply don't deploy. Reloading the game doesn't help, only resetting the roboport by removing it from the armor and reinserting it fixes the issue.

Severity - Game breaking until manually reset.
Reproducible - I t only happens the once. Ill update if ti happens again.

Workaround - remove roboport form teh armor place it in inventory, then reinsert it.

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Re: Roboport stops working 0.16.42

Post by kovarex »

Well if you don't provide a save where it is broken, there isn't much we can do about it.

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