simplify oil/liquid pump mod - 2 ideas

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simplify oil/liquid pump mod - 2 ideas

Post by coffee_fiend »

Setting up an oil large oil patch is a pain.

IDEA1 - a pumpjack hub
I was thinking how nice it would be if we could just place the pumpjacks
and then some central hub or station and have the pumpjacks send the oil to that hub automatically without having to lay down every single pipe connecting every single pumpjack to the station.

essentially it would teleport the oil/fluid from the pumpjack to the hub. Then you'd just have X amount of outlets on the hub and lay down pipes from there.

It gets tricky I guess since you wouldn't want all the jacks on the map pumping to just one hub.
So the hub could have a range like a roboport and it just receives oil from the pumps in range.

IDEA2 - a barrelling pumpjack
I guess an simple alternative would be a pumpjack that barrels the oil and then you could just use bots to pick up the barrels.
But the jack itself would need built in storage and requester capability to request barrels and advertising/providing capability to say it has oil barrels stored.
Trying to fit a jack plus 2 chests and 2 inserters in a field might not work so well unless I guess the jack have inserter like capabilities but then you're still have the 2 chest there to take up extra space and sometimes there isn't space between jacks...

Honestly the second idea sounds more "realistic" at least, but not sure you can requester and provider capabilities in one entity. I guess it could just have requester ability and pushes out filled barrels to a chest since almost all the time there is space open next to a jack. So it would be just like a mining drill except that it needed barrels to work.

the request
lol so does anyone want to build this?
or better yet, does anyone have advice on how to make a requester pumpjack with storage that pushes out filled barrels?

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Re: simplify oil/liquid pump mod - 2 ideas

Post by netgamer7 »

The second sounds doable, but I'm interested from a canidoit perspective on the first. I'll dig in a little and hopefully have an answer in a few days.

Neat idea, even if it's not popular- just perspective that's fresh.

No bots but like logistics chests. Maybe a central thing can manage them or a hybrid of the two ideas.

I think entities can have other entities attached/overlaid, think of how LTN does it.

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Re: simplify oil/liquid pump mod - 2 ideas

Post by Illiander42 »

Have you looked at OmniFluid?

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