aubergine18 wrote:I think the biters should stay. Ditch the alien artefacts, but keep the biters. They make expansion more challenging especially in the early-mid game. Also, pollution would be somewhat meaningless without them. Some conflict with biters is inevitable, but shouldn't be a major part of the gameplay.
Occasional asteroid impacts might be a nice addition to the game, with a rare chance of hitting the factory or starting a forest fire, etc. It would give added incentive for player to build the rocket to escape the planet. Those asteroids could leave behind loot - extremely rare, but otherwise unobtainable resources for example. This to me would make far more sense than alien eggs that we currently have, because it just doesn't make any sense that alien eggs would help make better modules and so on. Unique resources from asteroid impacts, on the other hand, make far more sense. And then the player might be thinking "well, I need more of these resources, maybe I should mine some asteroids that are floating around in space near Nauvis"... In fact, it could be one of those asteroids that caused the player to crash on Nauvis in the first place, so it could turn in to a nice link in the game story.
Interesting idea, but I don't like the idea of having parts of my factory randomly destroyed. This is especially bad early - mid game before construction robots. Even late game if you storage of factories and/or inserters is destroyed by a meteor, even your robots won't be able to repair it without manual player intervention. This would just be extremely annoying in my opinion. I don't like things in games that I can't defend against. They just feel cheap. Like let's make the game harder by destroying part of your factory and you can't do anything about it. It's like disasters in city building games.
Please don't misunderstand, it's a cool idea but personally I would not enjoy it the way you described it of having random asteroid strikes destroy your base. I also don't play this game to finish it, I want to enjoy the end game and do cool things with weapons, biters, RTS style stuff (right now the end game gets boring after a while, which is another reason why I think it needs more variety in weapons, biters, player upgrades etc to keep it interesting). I personally like to keep playing with my finished factory that I spent many hours on (possibly 100 hours maybe more with mods). My goal isn't to escape the planet but to build an awesome factory and become really powerful, then have fun in other ways.