[0.17.62] Intro Campaign: Crashed during cut scene due to west turrets killing biters off screen

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[0.17.62] Intro Campaign: Crashed during cut scene due to west turrets killing biters off screen

Post by KmeShadow »

The tutorial asked to place down 2 turrets, before going to talk to Compilatron. I placed 3 turrets far west of the iron mine as defense, and then went to Compilatron. The cut scene started and panned to the iron mine, but then crashed giving me this error:

Code: Select all

The scenario level caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the scenario author.

Error while running event level::on_tick (ID 0)
LuaUnitGroup API call when LuaUnitGroup was invalid.
stack traceback:
	__base__/lualib/npe/cutscenes/west_spawner_close.lua:85: in function 'init'
	__core__/lualib/story_2.lua:231: in function 'jump_to_node'
	__core__/lualib/story_2.lua:196: in function 'update'
	__base__/lualib/npe/storytable.lua:138: in function '?'
	__base__/lualib/event_handler.lua:7: in function <__base__/lualib/event_handler.lua:4>
stack traceback:
	[C]: in function '__index'
	__base__/lualib/npe/cutscenes/west_spawner_close.lua:85: in function 'init'
	__core__/lualib/story_2.lua:231: in function 'jump_to_node'
	__core__/lualib/story_2.lua:196: in function 'update'
	__base__/lualib/npe/storytable.lua:138: in function '?'
	__base__/lualib/event_handler.lua:7: in function <__base__/lualib/event_handler.lua:4>
It appears biters were supposed to spawn, advance forward, and establish a new nest west of the iron mine. However, the 3 turrets I placed killed the swarm before the arrived. Out of curiosity, I re-ran this save point 6 times. This error occurred only 4 times, while the other 2 times the cut scene finished as normal despite the bitters still getting killed off screen. If I remove the 3 turrets completely, the cut scene appears to run as normal; the bitters advance and make their nest, and the game continues as normal.

This was mostly the result of me knowing that bitter attacks were coming, and placing turrets farther west than was expected before talking to Compilatron.
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Re: [0.17.62] Intro Campaign: Crashed during cut scene due to west turrets killing biters off screen

Post by wheybags »

Duplicate of 74133, and already fixed.
Thanks for the report anyway!

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