I just "finished" my first game (freeplay scenario) and I feel like this is sadly what it comes down to. Yes, it takes some space and it takes a few hours to recoup investment compared to steam engines but in the end it's the only reasonable way. I started out using oil for solid fuel but it didn't take long until I needed all that oil for lubricants and plastics, even with quite a few far off oil pumps.Marconos wrote: Solar --> I built it, I'm done, nothing left to do here, ever
One solution to the "problem": Make solar panels deteriorate, just like the oil-wells. Go from 100% to 20% slowly over 10 hours time starting from 30 minutes after placed or something like that.
Or make them deteriorate at a faster pace but also make them "repairable" meaning you need a division of bots to constantly polish and refurbish them. I think this would be most in line with the other mechanics of the game.