Launch Party - useful info [cancelled]

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Launch Party - useful info [cancelled]

Post by TheoMarque »

I posted this topic to help  Factorio players who bought a ticket for the Launch party on 4 September in Prague. I was hyped about and after hype subsided now I started thinking about. How to travel to Prague and organize time before and after the party.
So, this topic is for that, for all who will travel. It would be a great idea if we can travel together and spend some time talking about Factorio ;).

Some useful information for all visitors:

- Currency - You can pay in Euros and CZK, but check exchange values before exchange
- Transportation in Prague -
- Learning Language ;)
- <placeholder for future info>

Info for PL participants:

According to a starting city, a group size, situation can change but, generally travel by train is not recommended because time of travel, cost, and arrival hours are annoying. Buses and Cars are better.


If anyone from PL is going to the party (especially from Warsaw), PM me :)

<for all participants>

Add your info about travel or other useful information, I will add it to this post.
Last edited by TheoMarque on Fri Jul 31, 2020 12:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Launch Party - useful info

Post by Koub »

Stickied the topic, will unsticky after the party :).
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

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Re: Launch Party - useful info

Post by doppelEben »

TheoMarque wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 8:23 am
According to a starting city, a group size, situation can change but, generally travel by train is not recommended because time of travel, cost, and arrival hours are annoying. Buses and Cars are better.
(sry for offtopic - move it to dm if necessary)

Travel through your landside is more expensive when I use trains? And they are slower than buses?

interesting! here (switzerland) cost/efficiency and timefactor are waaaaay better for trains here. sure, flixbus and stuff with economy-challenging prices rose last few years, but that doesnt eliminate the timefactor tho?
didnt travel much when I last visited your lovely country(or at least not with train or bus) but I find it interesting that u dont recommend trains. Does that stands for most of ost-eu countries? or am I just too spoiled from our top service we get here from our national rail company?

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Re: Launch Party - useful info

Post by TheoMarque »

Travel through your landside is more expensive when I use trains? And they are slower than buses?

I must sadly say: YES.
Trains from Warsaw (capital) arrive near 14:00. Depending on the situation (if we would do some changes due travel) 9 to 14 hours in travel. Cost - about 320 zł (80 €)  on two-way travel. Only direct trains can achieve travel time to near 9 hours but arrive at 14:00 in  Prague H. N. The bus cost is similar but courses are often and slightly cheaper. All buses are direct to Prague. Situation caused by many years of neglecting trains as passenger transportation (generally no new tracks and rebuild older). Train transport in large cities is good, but between provinces bad, and international transport is like biter-hell (you can buy ticket ONLY in TRAIN STATION), but general problem is frequency of routes per day - sometimes there is only one route per whole day and changes makes me sick if you must wait for next train 3-4 hours.

Rest of this discussion we move to DM :)


If someone from PL (or travel through PL) reads this, I would like to talk about coming to the party together ;)
I will participate in accommodation costs if someone finds a nice place to rest after the party. I will be in Prague 4-6.09.

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Re: Launch Party - useful info

Post by Pi-C »

TheoMarque wrote:
Fri Jul 17, 2020 12:27 pm
[…] but general problem is frequency of routes per day - sometimes there is only one route per whole day and changes makes me sick if you must wait for next train 3-4 hours.
Once upon a time, while traveling in the USA on something similar to the European Interrail ticket, I made a side trip from Texas westwards, to Phoenix (Arizona). The next eastbound train went two days after I arrived there. So, 3-4 hours for waiting isn't too bad on a global scale. :-D
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Re: Launch Party - useful info

Post by TheoMarque »
Launch party cancelled Jitka
The COVID pandemic around the globe is making it really hard to plan any event these days, and we were pretty optimistic just a few weeks back. However the situation here is now changing for the worse it seems.

The number of positively tested cases of COVID here in Czech has been increasing in relatively high numbers every day for the past two weeks, and the restrictions are again taking place. In Prague, face masks are required to be worn again where more than 100 people gather indoors, no events over 500 people are permitted as of last week, etc.

The current uncertainty together with the fact that at least half of the invited guests will not be able to attend the party (including some members of our own team), have led us into making a tough decision: we have decided to cancel the Factorio 1.0 release party we were intending to throw on 4th September 2020.

For those of you who already purchased a ticket(s) - the full ticket price will be refunded.

We hope there will be another opportunity to meet you all in the foreseeable future, but for now, please accept our apologies for any inconveniences caused. This wasn't an easy decision for us to make, but we believe it is the right one.

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