There should be an leader board for games without any mods.What ?
I suggest that there should be a point based leader board. Perhaps starting at 100,000 points and your score would go down by 1 point per second of game play.Completing the game in 8 hours would result in a score of 100,000-(8)(60)(60)= 71,200
The amount of points you start with could be proportionally affected by your starting conditions. For example, 100,000 would be default everything while 200,000 could be very small resource settings. Of course, the numbers could be altered for balancing reasons.
Resource size, density, enemies, etc would all affect the starting point value. Your score would be based off of when you sent a rocket with a satellite into space.
Why ?
I believe this increases Factorio's value as a game, as it gives players that have completed the game something to strive for. I understand this is a sandbox game where you create your own goals, but I've been noticing the topic of Speed Running come up and I think this would be a nice idea to give everyone a chance to participate in an unique way.What do you guys think?