More mod list colors

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More mod list colors

Post by Jiryx »

The mod screen (installed mod list) should use more colors or different fonts for mod state. Currently we only have 4 colors, white - active, gray inactive, red - problem, yellow - update availible. And if there is an update, you dont know, if the mod was red, white or gray before you have checked for updates until you click on it and read details. If it is red, you dont know, if it is old or it requires some dependency or newer version of other mod.

If you have downloaded more than 100 mods, you can easily lose track. ;)

It would be nice to see more details on first glance without the need of clicking on each single mod. So you can tell imediately, which mod is for older version only, which needs other mod to work, wich is only off but can be activated with no problem, wich can be updated but is not active and so on.

This can be realy usefull when you dowload mod pack created be somebody else and want to have quick overview of current mods states. Last week I downloaded such pack and there was 40% mods inactive and 20% red. But to get the idea why are they off or red, I had to go trough them one by one and read details.

So if there are more colors or fonts involved, player will orientate much faster.

For example:
white - active and up to date
gray - inactive, but no problem
inactive mod - always in italics, inactive means toggled off by player. But it will still show the state color, even when toggled off. So you dont try to toggle on mods for old versions.
red - mod up to date but incompatible with current version of base game
orange - mod requires some dependency to be resolved
yellow - mod compatible and update is available
green - mod incompatible, but update is available to be compatible with current version of base game
purple - mod incompatible, update is available, but its latest version is still incompatible with current version of base game
blue - inactive, activation required by other active mod(s) to work (which are currently show as orange)

It can be surely done some easier way, this is just example. :)
Sometimes modifying mods makes more fun than playing them. ;-)

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Re: More mod list colors

Post by CJ5Boss »

I like the idea.
Currently the mod only becomes yellow when you check for an update, otherwise the program would constantly have to check for updates. That is why you have to click to see which ones show up yellow.

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