New belt acting like moving chest for end game content

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New belt acting like moving chest for end game content

Post by Tekillaa »

New belt for stack of item with science pack
What ?
Everything works like a classic belt, except moving single item, it can move stacks of item. Each section of the belt act like a chest who move to the next section. A classic robotic arm can pick in it, it can keep the "right/left" effect of a classic belt(or not), unlockable by space science pack to keep it for end game. The price need balancing (but iron chest, gear wheels and lubricant in the recipe can be logic)
Why ?
I love make pattern with the actual belt mechanic and when we try to go into end game with big factory, yes we can make a lot of blue belt, but its not "fps" friendly because of the number of object it got to be display, with those belts, it think keeps entirely factorio spirits with belts into late game without use logistic bot (not good for fps either)

PS: Thank you for this awesome game and sorry if the idea is already on the board, i did'nt find it by my way.
It should be add in the game: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=67650 :)

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Re: New belt acting like moving chest for end game content

Post by Tekillaa »

There's also another ideas like an item who can be placed on the actual belt and act like chest, many details such as the item got to be empty at the end of the line and be process like a baril or something like that. to resume, a chest for belt.

Or, the belt who act as movin chest can have funny conditions such as it got to be in closed circuit, so splitter are available in another closed circuit
It should be add in the game: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=67650 :)

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