Just 9 little things

Post your ideas and suggestions how to improve the game.

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Burner Inserter
Burner Inserter
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Joined: Fri Sep 02, 2016 1:52 pm

Just 9 little things

Post by Pompeij »

I was playing modded with a friend and noticed following things that border me as technician:
1. Repair pack: "repair speed: 2" - 2 what? It should be "2 hp/s" or similar.
2. Assembler "crafting speed" similar, but it's a multiplier? "0.7x"
3. Inserter, I know the friday fact, maybe it comes with a speed with the rework :)

Other small things, that anoy a little bit while playing:
4. The Tag "Train Stop" should be in a seperated line to the actual train stop name, just for readability.
5. Fell a tree while walking towards it "out of reach", may just pop this message instant or even wait if I'm about to reach it.
6. Moving while deconstruct, i.e. a belt line, below the character lets the flashlight flicker. It's not needed to turn half to the belt for 0.1s for deconstruction imho.

QoL ideas while playing:
7. With an active ghost in hand opening the inventory could show the recipe page for that item, may be highlighting the item itself.
8. free form selecting bp / cut, maybe with shift? how often there are some things you want to copy, but an other production lane is crossing.
9. Add "squeak through" Mod to vanilla :) may with reduced movement speed, but not be able to climb over pipes or fit between buildings is "unrealistic" :P

I collected this since 0.17.34, may there are already improvements I didn't realize, sry. And I hope nothing I blame is added by mods :P
Thx for reading and keep up the good work, love the game :)

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