Copy contents of blueprint to a buffer chest.

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Copy contents of blueprint to a buffer chest.

Post by xenoxaos »

I think being able to copy paste to a buffer chest from a blueprint could be helpful. This could be like copying an assembler to a requester chest. This could be helpful for quicker long distance placement like solar arrays.

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Re: Copy contents of blueprint to a buffer chest.

Post by Koub »

Totally legit.
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Re: Copy contents of blueprint to a buffer chest.

Post by wpirobotbuilder »

Yes, this would be amazing. +1. I would use this for nuclear reactor expansion, where I need lots of materials if I want to add a new pair of reactors + turbines.

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Re: Copy contents of blueprint to a buffer chest.

Post by invisus »

Sorry for the necro on this, but I just spent a few hours searching through the forums, reddit, the mod portal, etc!

Very much this!

Given that:
It makes complete sense to support pasting entity lists from blueprints into buffer chests given it's the second use case, "as a more localized supply for construction."

Being able to copy your logistics requests from inventory to a buffer chest might be nice, but not specifically what I had in mind.

An interesting workaround in the steam forums from KoS about incorporating a pre-configured chest with your blueprint. This allows for easly Shift+RightClick (copy) and Shift+LeftClick (paste) to a new chest wherever you want it, or as she suggests, reblueprinting the chest to plop down.
At the moment, there is no way to do this. However, a potential workaround would be:
Say you are BPing a green circuit array.
1. Place a requester chest within the BP area.
2. Test BP the area, and note the number of items you need.
3. Enter these numbers into the requester chest.
4. Make a BP of the whole area, including the chest.

When you plop the BP down somewhere, you can just re-BP the requester chest and place it where you want it to be (e.g. the train station).

Given the ease of copying the ingredients from an assembler's recipe into a requester chest, it seems to make a lot of sense to implement a similar QoL improvement to ease the use of buffer chests by allowing a player to paste a blueprint's entities.
By using SHIFT + Right mouse button and SHIFT + Left mouse button to copy-paste a recipe from an assembling machine to a requester chest, the requester chest is automatically configured to request enough ingredients for 30 seconds of continuous crafting.

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Blueprint Requester Chest

Post by PanTobi »

Ty 4 adding Upgrade Blueprint <3

Sometimes when i want to go for example for new Oil i take my MK2 with BPorts and i go somewhere away from my Base where
i don't have Roboports yet... so i need to pickup some items to my Inventory, go where i want and build Blueprint using my Inv. Bots

But sometimes i forgot to take some items or i take not enough to finish my Blueprint
Thats why, "Blueprint Requester Chest" Idea

we can put Blueprint to special Slot in this Chest and Chest will work like normal Requester Chest
it will Request all items that You need to build selected Blueprint

Once Chest have all items for Blueprint it will give Signal or something :x...

Chest also should have 3 Priority Levels
1 - High -> Ignore all placed Prints on World and all Requester chest + Player / Deliver to Blueprint Chest
2 - Normal -> Ignore all Requester chest and Player Request / Deliver to Blueprint Chest
3 - Low -> Ignore Blueprint Chest / Deliver only if Items are not needed somewhere else

it Would be also cool if BP. Req. Chest return Value between 1 and 1000
depending on how big % of items from Print are already in Chest :x...

Ofc. Chest should have Infinite amount of Space, because some Prints require a lot of Items.
but Chest should be also locked from puting items that are no need for Print

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Re: Blueprint Requester Chest

Post by Koub »

[Koub] Merged into older topic with same suggestion.
Like this : ... est_revamp ?
Also related : viewtopic.php?f=6&t=14504
Koub - Please consider English is not my native language.

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