When pasting settings to a requester chest, the game should use the new logistic request multiplier feature instead of putting a “hardcoded” multiplier on all the ingredients individually, so the player can easily adjust the multiplier down or up.What?
Currently, when you copy settings from an assembler to a requester chest (shift-right/shift-left click by default), the game automatically multiplies the recipe ingredients by a factor which I understand is dependent on the recipe’s time taken. For example, if I make an Assembling machine 3 of medium electric poles, then copy from it to a requester chest, I get:I propose that instead, the game should use the multiplier feature that came with logistic groups, producing this:
These result in the same final logistic requests, so the chest will receive the same items.
The automatic per-item multiplier is often way too high (for low-demand but quickly-made “mall” items), and sometimes too low (when items have to be transported a long distance). Using the group multiplier feature would let the player easily edit the multiplier. Right now, you can of course change the multiplier from 1 to a higher number, but there’s no way to say “divide these requests by 10” to scale down.It would also make the numbers less mysterious — the recipe ingredient quantities appear directly in the item request list, and the multiplier is explicitly a multiplier.