Travelling between planets, endgame

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Burner Inserter
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Travelling between planets, endgame

Post by Xarfo »

I would like to see some kind of bigger spaceship to travel between the new planets that are planed.
For example, could be a very expansive spaceships with multiple floors, +endless upgradeable. (in size, and floor connections) Similar to Warptorio platform.
Equipped with fueltanks/ore storage and/or matter tanks to transport large amounts of materials.
The warploader would be a nice addon for filling the spaceship when in orbit, no need to land always.

Would be a nice upgrade after traveling with rockets in the early/midgame.

The idea behind, no need to care to much about multiple bases on multiple planets in lategame (200h+ maybe).
It will be very annoying in long term, so it would be possible to build an all in one factory and just visit some planets to refill materials from time to time.

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