Yuoki Industries should be a stand alone

Energy production, weapons, handling fluids and much more - excellent graphics.

Moderator: YuokiTani

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Yuoki Industries should be a stand alone

Post by TheDagmaar »

Well, I tried it and I didn't gone too deep in it yet BUT it has a great potential. What I feel is: the game is broken in two, because there is the original factorio with its stuff and there is this mod. Why don't you make it in your way?

My main problems are:
>you can build everything on the start
>the art mismatch with factorio
>you forgot that the less is sometimes more*

My opinion:
>make your own tech tree and stuff - without factorio stuff
> *get rid of the duplicated stuff
>make the art match with your stuff (like iron, coal, copper ores)

This mod is basicly factorio without factorio. You shouldn't be the man who wait for rescue, you should be a man who make profit for his company. "Hell with the aliens, kill them all! Mine all resources and make money!" or something like that. You are not a survivor, you are the conqueror! I want to see that in this perspective.

By the way: 5/5! Keep going!

...and if you want some thought from me you can find me in the forum... but I think you wont need, masterminds works alone.
TheDagmaar Mining Corp.

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Re: Yuoki Industries should be a stand alone

Post by steinio »

You can try to deactivate base mod and look whats left.

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Re: Yuoki Industries should be a stand alone

Post by TheDagmaar »

steinio wrote:You can try to deactivate base mod and look whats left.
Base mod required. Without it there is nothing. That's why I suggest it.
TheDagmaar Mining Corp.

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Re: Yuoki Industries should be a stand alone

Post by YuokiTani »

in some points you have right ...
things are twice maybe because i dislike the original-gfx ^^ (or have seen enough)

i will take your suggestions as inspiration and if i find time i will test something.
but notice, i'am sure some people see your suggestion as blasphemy - but gives a nice mod-name "Yuoki Industries - Basic Blasphemy" - then i need a hate-comment manager ^^

Yuoki-Industries was never designed as MOD - rather AddOn - but here is no Addon-Section so i posted this in Mod-Category.
it contains most stuff i personal miss in factorio with some let's say "gameplay tweaks".
funny enough YI-Engines (Addon) is more a real MOD, because it uses Code and affects game-mechanics.

techtree ... i had only negative experience setting a techtree in factorio. not in play but in development. ^^ also i dislike the current system exchange ore into science, there is no real reason for this. and i think the game is still limited to flask instead of use every item to set as research-basic (steam-engine + time + item = better stuff)

Thanks for your post, very interesting point of view.

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Re: Yuoki Industries should be a stand alone

Post by steinio »

Sounds like a standalone DLC :p

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Re: Yuoki Industries should be a stand alone

Post by steinio »

Sadly Yuoki mod has depency of base mod.

If not i had tried to make "Yuoki Industries - Basic Blasphemy".

To do:
- disable base mod
- copy ore spawning of coal, stone, iron ore and copper ore
- copy biter spawning
- replace basic assembler, blue assembler, engine, electric engine with Yuoki ones - Yuoki you really need a own assembler.

More i have not build in my play through but the rocket silo is probably needed to win :)

Greetings steinio

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Re: Yuoki Industries should be a stand alone

Post by YuokiTani »

steinio wrote:Sadly Yuoki mod has depency of base mod.

If not i had tried to make "Yuoki Industries - Basic Blasphemy".

To do:
- disable base mod
- copy ore spawning of coal, stone, iron ore and copper ore
- copy biter spawning
- replace basic assembler, blue assembler, engine, electric engine with Yuoki ones - Yuoki you really need a own assembler.
More i have not build in my play through but the rocket silo is probably needed to win :)
Greetings steinio
I would wipe all vanilla-crap ... because it makes no sense on different planets have coal, iron, copper etc.
With enough power you can transform any material or product into a synthetic variant if needed. If this would standalone, i would also maybe improve the trade to import some materials and export equipment or water. so it's possible to buy something you need - especially blueprints for products (as a research-variant)

winning condition ? - maybe survive a good invasion from enemys or build something complicated and impressive :)

I think someone in the future will make a complete overhaul mod. i have not tested if factorio still starts if the base-dependency removed.

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