Buffer chests should have a minimum and maximum number like personal logistics, not just a minimum number.What ?
Between the minimum and maximum numbers, the buffer chests should allow deconstructed items to be stored in the chest by construction robots, but not request the logistics system deliver more.
Why ?
Trying to use buffer chests while prototyping can be frustrating if there is a significant distance between where you are working and where your bots decide to store things.If I'm far from my main storage, placing items down works as expected but when I try and make changes, the construction bots will start carting all my deconstructed items to oldest available storage chest. Then, as all the construction bots I was just using are wandering off taking my valuable parts with them, I'm left without items and even worse without construction bots as I try and keep going. New construction bots come out but they don't stay either, they also wander off leaving me frustrated and angry. With the items I can simply just use really big buffers to solve the problem, but with the bots, there isn't a way to tell them not to wander away or to tell the network to keep a bunch of bots nearby. I have tried various workarounds by creating buffer chests for each item and then automatically pulling one item out into a storage chest so it becomes a prioritized target but it is slow and tedious to set up, requires configuration for each item making changing configurations quite annoying, and it doesn't even do it right. Because bots take from storage chests first, they keep pulling the item out and there is no way to avoid the time gap when that chest is empty and my construction bots abandon me.
A buffer chest with an unsatisfied request is already a valid target for deconstruction, and I was surprised to find the construction bots seem to even prioritize the closest one which is very cool, but to use that I have to disconnect myself from any other storage or supply chests in the network which can provide those items because if any of those exist the logistics network will schedule a delivery and once the pening deliveries satisfy the request the buffer chest is no-longer a valid target for deconstruction. I'm sure there are challenges in how to add this functionality to the robot network but I think it should be possible and I know it would make buffer chests feel much more like buffers.