orzelek wrote:Two things:
1. Do take the 1.4.3 - it's for Factorio up to 0.12.10 and will be more generous when you travel far so outposts should run longer.
2. If you feel like fun and don't want to change the save then back it up, put new RSO into it and run this command from console:This will respawn both ore and biters with new generation rules. With big base and lots of outpost might be a lot of work after to clean up first then reposition stuff.Code: Select all
/c remote.call("RSO", "regenerate")
yeah this is what i hope i did.. i have only the RSO 1.0.3 and ran the code... while my map explored is not that much i didnt really notice any pause in gameplay when entering this command.. and honestly im scared that any new area explored will be to the old 1.4.1 specs... i really want the 1.0.3 aspect... i want trains... I want to go big... how big IDK but i want my base to be able to handle anything the Devs throw at us... wiht just haveing to throw in more resources... i am intending on using (alien artifacts) to clear out my surplus of oil spouts.. once i am confident that 1.0.3 is actually working as it should i will compare what new spouts i see an then remove the excess...
yeah i have take to keep up to 4 copies of my saves seperate from my actual game folder... 1 is g-drive, 1 is my drop box, 1 is my extra hard drive on my laptop and the last is a T drive i use for back ups of pics and vids of my son... =)
Ok so i have done this once again.. started my world.. there is only rso 1.0.3 in the folder and active in the mods folder... hit the ` key and then ctrl v the code in and it seems to do something but idk what. im a noob with most of this tech stuff... im logistics and EOD from the army... i work for a small trucking company and all i do is handle shipment schedulings and what goes with whom to where and then so on and yeah its dull but its fun... =)
ill keep you posted once i get the storage for the ore im going to need to either use or store till i can use it in place... was about to transition from 1-4-1 to 2-6-2 when i realized i had a serious resource abundace issue... and wanted that resolved before i start on my main base...