- Name: Larger screenshots
- Version: 0.1.3
- Factorio-Version: 0.14.22, 0.15.1, 0.16.1, 0.16.51
- Description: Adds an interface usable by the player or another mod that takes screenshots of large areas
- Multiplayer: untested, will at best not crash when running headless
- License: http://unlicense.org/
- Release: 2017-03-27
- Download-Url: https://mods.factorio.com/mods/aaargha/ ... creenshots
- Website: viewtopic.php?f=96&t=43360
- Source: GitHub
- Category: Convenience
- Tags: console, lib, screenshot
Taking high detail screenshots of large areas will generate lots of data, use a ton of RAM and probably freeze the game for some time. Example on an i7 950 and 16GB of ram: taking a 1024x1024 tile screenshot at zoom 1 generated 1.6GB of data, indreased RAM usage by 5GB, and froze the game for about 30 sec.
Start small and remember that a 1024x1024 is 4x as much data as a 512x512 shot, plan accordingly.
Details and interface description
If anyone has a chance to test multiplayer please let me know if it works.Should also be usable in earlier versions of Factorio.
Feedback, suggestions and bug reports welcome.