RememberMeduSalem wrote:tehroach wrote:Please don't remove the barrels from the game!
It would completely remove the need for interesting designs like this one
It is not that I am against the adding of the fluid tanker, BUT in a way adding the oil tanker goes against some of your own philosophies about Factorio!; The same philosophies that you have used to discredit the introduction of other suggested modules, as it trivializes a function that can already be achieved by other components in the game.OK this is NOT really a problem with Barrels, it is simply lacking from the game in general.MeduSalem wrote:The problem is people want to have the tankers not only because they want to transport crude oil but also different fluids.
Again Barrels could do the task equally as well if NOT better, remember there is currently no tankers so we don't know how the tankers will connect to the network, so we will have to wait and see;MeduSalem wrote:The tankers could do that perfectly.
As for the tankers being able to do this perfectly, unless you know something that I don't know, I can't see how you can come to this conclusion
Barrels have their own line in the crafting menu so adding 7 more would not affect the placing of any other type of item, so sorry your point here is moot,MeduSalem wrote:Barrels on the other hand would require them to add 7 barrel types, one for each fluid type, severely cluttering the inventory/crafting menus. Nobody would like that.
However adding the 7 extra Barrels would solve the liquid transport problem perfectly fine
Don't get me wrong, I can't wait to see how they implement tankers, because being able to run massive banks of steam engines in the middle of deserts that are supplied water by rail really appeals to me.MeduSalem wrote:And that's why barrels should be removed because barrels are much more like a temporary solution until we have tankers and after they are implemented we don't really need 3 options to transport fluids
But why remove an item that already solves the problem practically and elegantly, IMO having the extra option is better.
MeduSalem wrote:especially if barrels would be limited only to crude oil. Tankers and Pipes are already enough to deal with fluid transportation. Just get rid of the barrels.
*Pipes flow slows down over distance
*Tankers haven't been implemented yet (So we really can't say if your above statement is True or NOT)
*Without barrels you completely lose the option to transport fluids as an item.
It would simply be a poor game design choice to limit barrels to crude oil only and allow tankers to just top up with any fluid they liked, just think of the last time you put Coke in a glass that someone has just used for milk.
At least you could imagine the barrel being cleaned first when it went into the barreling factory
If anything I would rather see that they limit the tankers to only accept the fluid that they were first filled with. ie once you start to fill a tanker with crude, that tanker can only accept crude until the player physically removes and replaces it. Just imagine one of the many times someone has accidentally filled their vehicle with the wrong type of fuel, the liquid left in the tank becomes useless for either of the original fuels purposes (or at very best a very low grade) and often just becomes waste (or if services are available, requires re-refining).
Tankers would be a good option to Barrels, but can't replace barrels entirely as Barrels posses properties that simply can't be replicated via tankers.
To the developers if you want to make trains great we need options for how we can construct our train stations!
Your idea for the loaders is great, but this viewtopic.php?f=93&t=17295&hilit=warehouse is better