Short Description: Special entities that wirelessly charge bots around them. An idea by Mike C from the KatherineOfSkies community.
Name: ChargeTransmission
Factorio Version: 0.16
Mod State: Beta
Dependencies: Base
Optional Extras:
Author: Dustine
Downloads: Mod Portal
Licence: MIT
Bots waste a lot of time (and power bursts) having to recharge in the middle of their activities. But if you've got module effect transmission already, how hard would it be to beam electricity around as well...?
Enter the Bot Charger, the only entity added by this mod, which works exactly as it says on the tin.
- 1 beacon
- 2x radars
- 10x processing units
- 20x batteries
Chargers connected to the same roboport will share the load between themselves; this is important as each charger has a limited energy input amount and can only fulfill so many robots (see overtaxing below).
Power usage
Chargers use a lot of power because they have a x3 energy usage without modules, and robots aren't cheap to run to begin with (and get more power hungry the faster they are). There's a reason basegame bot bases usually have roboports as their number one power consumer.
A single charger feeds at worse between 174 to 49 robots over time (before space science), depending on a robot's speed. The number may seem small but chargers, even as power hungry as they are, diminish bot needs on a network over time so it balances out anyway.
Oh, and use efficiency modules, because you can up to double the performance of each roboport and even a single efficiency 1 module makes chargers reduce their power consumption to 255%. I recommend two efficiency 2 modules per each if you want to save on resources.
A targeted roboport will display a custom alert over itself when it is overtaxed. It's hard to miss as it blinks like any other in-game alert, and also shows up on the minimap for extra visibility.
This means that the power needed to recharge robots wirelessly is more than what the chargers can take from the network. Now, this may mean two possibilities: either your power supply isn't sufficient or, most likely than not, there's just too many robots for each single charger to handle at once, as they have a max 10MW buffer recharge rate. For contrast, a vanilla roboport has a 5MW max recharge rate.
An overtaxed charger will slowly deplete its energy buffers, always charging as many robots as it can. This means that small hiccups (like when robots arrive from other networks, or need fluctuations) shouldn't completely stop wireless charging but eventually robots will start using the traditional charging methods, as shown on the animation above.
Easy solution though: chargers that point to the same roboport will share their work load, so just add more chargers! Or add modules if you haven't yet. Even if it is just a momentary hitch, if you see the alert, it won't hurt to construct additional chargers.
I found a bug, please fix it!
Sure! But I'll need a bug report for it. Describing what you were doing (+ steps to replicate the issue), what other mods you have installed, what version of this mod you have and if possible, sending me your bugged savegame. All these steps will make your issue much easier to diagnose and to be fixed.
DO NOT post your bug report on the mod portal, as it doesn't notify the mod maintainers about new posts or replies so it may take literal weeks for stuff to be noticed. Please, *please*, use this forum thread or github repo to make your bug report.
Special thanks to:
- Mike C for the concept and not giving up on it
- desseb for being key on the brainstorming and playtesting
- Nexela for general code help and workarounds
- KatherineOfSkies for her friendly and welcoming community