- Free driving artillery vehicle, not limited to rails like the train artillery wagon
- Low top speed, low acceleration - it's pretty big and heavy, it's not gonna move very fast and it'll have high inertia (maybe also be like the tank/train in that it damages/destroys things it runs into/over without taking damage itself)
- NO point defenses - it feels too overpowered to have a gun turret and artillery in a mobile vehicle, like you could just sit in your fortress and be safe from everything
- NO automatic firing - I'd like to need to use a remote to target this thing (preferably a custom remote that only targets mobile artillery, if that's possible) because otherwise, I could just drive it within a few hundred tiles of a nest and sit there for a minute, and that's too easy. As lore, you could say that maybe there just wasn't room to include auto-targeting equipment and keep it mobile?
- If possible, I'd like it to need a few seconds to switch between "driving" and "firing" modes, to simulate extending/retracting stabilisers - maybe a hotkey to toggle them, and somehow locking it in place when it's in firing mode?
- I don't think this is currently possible, but needing fuel (at a reduced rate) to target and/or fire would be a nice touch maybe? Pretty sure you can't mess with the fuel usage rates in vehicles, though - I think I heard someone say they're read only. (Mind, if you can, this thing could use fuel at double the normal rate to simulate the extra energy requirement of moving so much machinery around...)
Anyway, I know that's a lot, so feel free to tell me that I'm insane and this is unrealistic/impossible to actually implement ^^;