They are planning to massively nerf the tank in 0.17.
I'm gonna cry wolf on this. Did the tank of all things really need to be made weaker?The tank had a specific issue where the tank Cannon shells would seem weak compared to all the automation and investment you would need to do to get them. Instead you can just put the Piercing rounds magazines in, and especially if you upgraded them, the damage was more than enough. This was majorly influenced by the tank submachine gun having +100% damage bonus. We have removed this bonus in 0.17.
The problem with casually cutting the tank's MG damage in half is that what reason remains to use the tank at all instead of your personal smg if they both deal the same damage? Or turrets which still do get a damage bonus?
It seems like most people prefer to do combat on foot already because the tank is difficult (even clunky) to use. It is an out of your way investment and you get little in return:
> Legs + personal shields provide you the same if not better mobility and durability. Turret creep efficiently gets the job done until then.
> High quality fuels make the tank faster but also overly difficult to control due to low break force.
> The ramming and friendly cannon fire turns it into an unnecessary hazard in multiplayer.
> It is made redundant by nukes and artillery later on.
Despite all that tanks have a few perks and this exact 100% damage bonus and the resulting ammo efficiency was the main reason why I have been advocating it's use, even get the fully upgraded cannon on board for what it's worth.
I don't see myself willing to do so in 0.17 any longer, simplified research or not. Yeah perhaps I could craft one tank, hop in and gun down a couple of nests real quick if the MG upgrades are shared. But to set up a cannon shell factory and craft a second set of power armor upgrades for the driver seat? To use it way into late research progress and in favor of combat armor or robots? Doesn't seem worth it anymore.
The other main perk of tanks was having more spare power armor slots for personal laser defenses - which they are going to nerf as well if I understand correctly.
[quote]Personal laser defense is now also influenced by Energy weapon damage upgrades (which also affect Laser turrets), but on the other hand we decreased the base damage it does, and also decreased its power consumption so it is fun to use even with Personal solar panels early on, and if you invest into the Energy weapon damage, it becomes quite good later.[/quote]
PLD have always been affected by laser turret damage research. The only change here is they'll have lower base damage. Less energy is nice for a while but you cannot use a half fusion core and one is enough to power a full armor of PLD.