Some way to click / hover or otherwise interact with a belt tile and have factorio list the names of things on it.What ?
Possibly augment the right hand panel or tooltip to add the named content of a belt.Why ?
When playing with an unfamiliar mod, it can be hard to determine what is on a belt.Many resources often look very similar. Indeed in some cases icons are reused with very subtle differences like shades of color.
These ccolor changes are particularly hard for me to see since I am Red/Green color-blind.
It would be very helpful if there was a way to see all of the names of the resources on a belt.
I appreciate that there is an issue in that the belts, and more specifically their contents, are always moving. FWIW I'm typically trying to do this on a belt which only has 1 or 2 different types of things on it.
My best workaround, when playing with dyworld (my current mod of choice), is to have the following sequence.
Belt -> Loader -> Box -> Loader -> Belt. This allows me to open the box and examine the transient contents.
However this is rather clunky and I would prefer something which was more ad-hoc.