[0.18.18] Import blueprint not visible

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[0.18.18] Import blueprint not visible

Post by sknystautas »

There is no longer a place to import blueprints (thru strings) in my blueprint menu. I tried disabling all mods. I tried reinstalling the game. I toggled whether blueprints are sync'd to the cloud. I edited config.ini and set disable-blueprint-storage=false. I tried starting a new game to see if a game state was corrupted. In all of these scenarios, the error continued to happen.

I also searched the forums and didn't find anything related to losing string blueprint import.

I finally tried try to switch to the 0.17 versions and when I did and started a new game it said something like "unable to read cloud blueprints, reading local ones" and it showed me no saved blueprints and I could import blueprints from a string again! So yay! I see it created blueprint-storage-backup.dat that was 2.1MB and blueprint-storage.dat is now 20KB. Looks like a clean reset of the data.

I assume the problem them is a corrupted blueprints file, but hope someone can figure out what to look at. I've attached a log file when it was unable to import strings as well as the backup string.

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Re: [0.18.18] Import blueprint not visible

Post by Loewchen »

The button is in the shortcut bar. If you can not find it there, check its configuration.

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Re: [0.18.18] Import blueprint not visible

Post by GrumpyJoe »

The button is in the shortcut bar. If you can not find it there, check its configuration.
It took me a while to find this and i dont like it.

A BP library without an import button?
Wanting everything in the shortcut bar just because its awesome is a bad idea imho.
Even if you are used to work with the shortcut bar, the BP button should be blue at least.

I guess its handy if you paste alot of external strings you found online, maybe some people have .txt files saved somewhere, but the library is where you expect to find an import button, because thats where you manage your BPs.
Maybe there are plans to move everything into the tool/shortcut bar, but as it is, the functionality is split into two different sections of the screen.
Hidden shortcut buttons will happen alot, especially to new players.
And it doesn´t help that the config button must be the tiniest interaction target in the whole game.
Overall, a terrible UX decision

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Re: [0.18.18] Import blueprint not visible

Post by sknystautas »

Loewchen wrote:
Sat Apr 18, 2020 5:53 pm
The button is in the shortcut bar. If you can not find it there, check its configuration.
Dang, thanks for clarifying! It did feel like a pebcak issue since it the only variable that changed it was version number.

I do agree with the other reply in this thread... IMHO a "shortcut" should be a convenience to access something available elsewhere, not the only place. I also would suggest a keybinding option, maybe not bound by default, but something someone could add.

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